Creating a fixed guided path to be run for debugging
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In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a fixed guided path to be run for debugging. While implementing new steps in an existing graph, or when you want to focus specifically on a portion of a graph, it might take a long time to reach the exact path you would like to go thru making debugging difficult. Therefore it would be useful to have a kind of a guided path which only includes a subset of the model edges (golden path). Once debugged your golden path you can forget it and have more usual random paths for better coverage.

Accessing the tutorial

To access one of these tutorials, follow these steps :

  1. Launch Eclipse, if not already launched
  2. In the main menu, select Help -> Cheat Sheets…
  3. In the “Cheat Sheets Selection” dialog, expand the GW4E tree item
  4. Select the “Creating a fixed guided path to be run for debugging” tutorials and click OK
  5. A cheat sheet view is opened, you can now follow the tutorial