This page introduces the tutorials you can use to learn more about GW4E.
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Your installation comes with tutorials that will help to become familiar with GW4E. Completing these tutorials is highly recommended as this will make you comfortable to develop faster your GraphWalker projects and ease their maintenance.

  1. Getting Started Tutorial
  2. Managing Graph Models & Tests LifeCycle
  3. Working with Shared Models
  4. Troubleshooting your tests
  5. Using the Builder Performance Viewer
  6. Creating a fixed guided path to be run for debugging
  7. Generating Manual Tests
  8. Offline Runner Tutorial

Accessing the tutorials

To access one of these tutorials, follow these steps :

  1. Launch Eclipse, if not already launched
  2. In the main menu, select Help -> Cheat Sheets…
  3. In the Cheat Sheets Selection dialog, expand the GW4E tree item
  4. Select the targeted tutorials and click OK
  5. A cheat sheet view is opened, you can now follow the tutorial